This is featured slide of SEO

This Show About The SEO.

This is featured slide SEO Needs

This show about the requirements of SEO.

This is featured slide of SEO Cycle

This show the cycle of SEO Works.

This is featured slide of SEO Types

This show how many types of SEO.

This is default featured slide of SEO On page and Off pagr SEO

This show how types of SEO works in cycle.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

SEO training in chandigarh

Monday, October 15, 2018

What Is Directory Submission?

What Is Directory Submission?

Directory Submission is one of the best strategies for our website to gain popularity on the web.
It is the essential step taken by marketers to upgrade link reputation of a website.
This admirable method advice in gaining quality one-way coming back links which perform
crucial aspect in optimization strategy. The quality of the incoming links extremely enhances
 search engine rankings & visibility of our site on internet.

In other words, Directory Submission is just introduce to the process of adding our web site to a web directory.

Types of Directory Submission:-

Primarily, there are three types of directory submissions that are:
  1. Basic Directory Submission
  2. Normal Directory Submission
  3. Multiple URL Directory Submission
Basic Directory Submission:-This form of directory submission facilitate us to use single URL,
 numerous titles and single description to be submitted in distinct directories. This is excellent
 if we target for individual keywords.
Normal Directory Submission:-The normal form of directory submission grant you to use
numerous descriptions along with individual URL and multiple titles. This is effective if you wish
to naturalize the back links developed.
Multiple URL Directory Submission:-It confess the users to use up to 10 internal URLs
 within same site onward with numerous descriptions and multiple titles. This is hugly
 suitable for spreading back links to multiple pages of same site.

Benefits of Directory submission :

  1. Directory submission used to increase backlinks of website.
  2. It uses Anchor texts for hyperlinks to our website link reputation or popularity.
  3. Directory submission helps in permanent listing in another websites.
  4. Guarantees in impressive search engine indexing.
  5. Niche Directory Website listing helps to get significant backlinks.

What is the Use of Directory Submission in SEO?

Blog catalogs make your blog obvious past the domains of your own blogging circle.
Here are a portion of the advantages of joining blog catalogs that influence the procedure to do lucrative.

1) Get quality and safe backlinks:

Most blog registries are physically regulated for any wrong entries. Henceforth, these locales
 are sans spam and are a potential wellspring of building SEO benevolent backlinks.
 Some blog indexes likewise give dofollow backlinks. Envision what advantage can getting
 the 10 dofollow backlinks from 10 entries have on your web journals positioning in the SERPs.

2) Getting huge introduction:

Let be honest. Your group of onlookers is the way to your blog's presence.
You have your own arrangement of gathering of people from a specific statistic district.
What about intersection those points of confinement and getting seen by a significantly bigger group of onlookers.
Blog registries show your website for each related pursuit question on their database.
 That implies more odds of getting seen by gatherings of people that would somehow or another have no clue on your blog.

3) Chances of getting survey asks for or paid post openings:

Some web catalogs are so dynamic and in light of the fact that these indexes are
mainstream and more often than not have quality blog entries these are the best
(and most effortless) places for organizations to search for paid survey postings.
Since you are an individual from these registries your site is noticeable to these brands.
The odds are higher you get business openings from them like supported audits or standard promotions on your blog.

4) Increase in blog's general income:
Thinking about the above realities, we can state that presenting your blog to catalogs can help
 you in getting survey demands. In addition, they increment odds of your blog getting found
 so you have an expanded group of onlookers base.An expansion in group of onlookers is
straightforwardly corresponding to increment in profit through any adaptation technique you have set up on your blog.

How To Do Directory Submission in SEO?

Backlinks to your blog are exceptionally basic. Having a sheltered third party referencing
 profile is significantly more basic. I have recorded an immense rundown of normal
third party referencing systems in this post. Today we will talk about one more wellspring
of building safe backlink (which works post penguin refresh) i.e. registry accommodation.
Blog indexes are regularly neglected and thought to be malicious, however whenever done
 securely these are extraordinary undiscovered wellsprings of dofollow backlinks in addition to presentation for your blog.
This definite instructional exercise on blog index accommodation will walk you through
the entire procedure of discovering blog registries, enlisting in them and also safe traps to get snappy endorsement.
Since we realize what blog registries are and how they can help us in blogging,
 not joining would be a misstep. So here are some basic strides to get your webpage submitted to different blog catalogs and make backlinks
directory process

Step:1 Some per-accommodation work.
1.Prior to presenting your site here is a basic assignment to perform.
This will really help in simple accommodation absent much problem.
2.Make a notebook document and spare the accompanying there.
3.Your blog URL,
4.Your blog's RSS channel URL,
5.Your social profile joins.
6.Also, a concise extract portraying your site (a few catalogs require this.)

Step: 2 Find some magnificent and colossal arrangements of blog registries.
You can discover two most prominent blog registry records here and here.

Step: 3 Choose the blog indexes dependent on your decisions, similar to number of web journals related, PR of the website (on the off chance that you are exclusively thinking about backlinks),
alexa rank, area expert, no. of recorded pages in Google and so on.

Step: 4 Suppose you pick a registry named

Step: 5 Choose a pertinent class for your accommodation.

Step: 6 Dig further to pick a best subclass.

Step: 7 Choose the classification/subclass that accommodates your blog's specialty precisely.

Step: 8 Once you found the proper sub classification tap on present your site on the upper right of the page.

Step: 9 Fill on the subtle elements from the notebook document you just made.

Step: 10 Submit.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Alexa Rank

A little History Of Alexa Rank:-

Founded in 1996, Alexa is a California-based subsidiary company of (acquired by Amazon in 1999) that specializes in providing commercial web traffic data gathered via various toolbars and web browser extensions. Some of Alexa’s most notable earlier activities include giveing a table that served as the basis for the formation of the Wayback Machine and the establishment of various search facilities.‘Alexa Rank’ –  is a metric that ranks websites in order of popularity or ‘how [well] a website is doing’ over the last 3 months is the thing they’re probably best known for.

How are Alexa Ranks measured?

According to the official Alexa website’s Our Data page, the rank is calculated using a ‘combination’ of the estimated average daily unique visitors to the site and the estimated number of pageviews on the site over the past 3 months – with the site with the highest combination of unique visitors and pageviews being ranked as #1. The data is collected from a subset of internet users using one of 25,000 browser extensions for either Google Chrome, Firefox, and/or Internet Explorer. A data then ‘corrects’ for various hidden biases and struggle to pay  for visitors who might not be in Alexa’s analysis panel and assigns the data based on the geographical location of visitors.

How can I view a website’s Alexa Rank?

At least this part is direct: simply go to the authenticative Alexa website, type in your full domain name and hit return! What’s more, scroll down the results page admit no end of other attractive metrics, such as Bounce Rate, Daily Pageviews per Visitor, Daily Time on Site and the Percentage of visits from Search, as well as individual  Demographics, a list of sites that link and even page speed/load times!

What does the Alexa Rank mean?

The general consensus seems to be a reluctant admittance by most (certainly not all) that there does indeed appear to be a very general – rough – correlation between a site’s Alexa Rank and traffic for well-settled  websites that receive over and above a certain level of traffic: i.e. for relatively popular sites with Alexa Ranks of less than somewhere in the region of about 50,000 to 100,000 – to their credit, Alexa does actually state on their website that ‘traffic rankings of 100,000 and above should be regarded as [very?] rough estimates‘ and that conversely ‘the closer a site gets to #1, the more accurate traffic rankings become‘. Anything higher than this 100,000 waypoint and everyone I’ve ever spoken to on the subject seems to pretty much laugh it off as a metric that can, nine times out of ten, be almost completely ignored.

Why don’t people tend to trust it?

It seems that a lot of people/webmasters with access to reliable web analytics data (the most popular being provided by Google Analytics of course) for more than one website often report seeing web-traffic trends and statistics that appear to be completely out of line with the corresponding Alexa Rank for each site. Unfortunately, you’ve only got to Google something like ‘Is Alexa Rank Accurate?’ to find such reports – not good! Although, in all fairness, quite a few of these reports are for websites with quite high Alexa Ranks – i.e. often way in excess of the 100,000 mark.
The real kicker though, seems to be two-fold: 1) Alexa aren’t able to gather their data from everybody (they obviously simply don’t have access to everybody’s browsing habits) – they can only gather data from a subset of a few million users via certain browser extensions (as previously mentioned) – something common sense suggests will almost certainly skew the data right from the get-go (since the average user presumably arguably isn’t likely to have installed any such browser extensions) and 2) rather than address such concerns head on and be completely open about exactly how this particular problem is accounted for, i.e. by being more open about exactly how the underlying data is collected and used to calculate the rank, Alexa seem to (as far as my admittedly somewhat limited research goes) be less than 100% transparent on the matter, simply stating that Alexa Rank ‘is calculated using a combination of the estimated average daily unique visitors to the site and the estimated number of pageviews on the site over the past 3 months’.

Are Alexa Ranks important?

For most site owners, ‘how a website is doing’ is of course very important, however, when assessing your own website my advice would be to simply stick with Google Analytics data rather than to go attributing any significant meaning to your site’s Alexa Rank. When looking at competitor’s sites however, by all means take a quick peek at their Alexa Rank for a very rough idea of how popular their website is relative to yours (assuming the same kinds of people visit both sites – thereby hopefully minimizing some of the biases brought about by the significantly-less-than-perfect way in which Alexa gather their data); however I definitely wouldn’t go thinking a particular website gets more traffic than another merely on the basis that its Alexa Rank happens to be only a few thousand lower – and if the website you’re interested in happens to have a rank of anything even near the aforementioned 100,000 mark, it’s probably best not to go attributing any significant meaning to comparing Alexa Ranks at all!

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What is SEO


  SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is all about optimizing a website for search engines. SEO is a technique for:
  1. Constructing and establishing a website to rank well in search engine results.
  2. Correcting the volume and condition of traffic to a website from search engines.
  3. marketing by understanding how search algorithms work, and what human visitors might search.
SEO is a subset of search engine marketing. SEO is also referred as SEO copy
righting, because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines, deal with text.

How Search Engine Works?-

Search engines perform several activities in order to deliver search results.
Crawling - Process of taking all the web pages linked to a website. This work is performed by a software, called a crawler or a spider (or Googlebot, in case of Google).

Indexing - All the fetched  web pages and keeping them into a vast  database from where it can later be fetched is the process of generating index . That best describe the page and allow the page to particular keywords is the process of indexing is analyzing the words and expressions.

Processing - When a search offer comes, the search engine procedures it, that is, it compares the search string in the search offer with the indexed pages in the database.

Calculating Relevancy - It is likely that more than one page contains the search string, so the search engine starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages in its index to the search string.

Retrieving Results - The last step is to take back the first similar results  in search engine activities . Basically, it is nothing more than simply opening them in the browser.

Why is SEO important?

In today’s competitive market, SEO marketing is more important than ever.  Everyday for answers to their questions or for solutions to their problems Search engines serve millions of users .
Search engine optimization is essential because:
The greater number of search engines users are more likely to click on one of the top 5 idea in the results pages (SERPS), so to take advantage of this and benefit visitors to your web site or clients to your online store you need to in the top positions.
SEO is not only about search engines .But a good SEO practices improve the user experience and benefit of a web site.
Having a existence in the top positions for the keywords the user is seeking, because users trust search engines which  increases the web site’s trust.
For the social promotion of your website SEO is good . People who find your web site by searching Google or Yahoo are more likely to promote it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or other social media channels.
SEO is important for the continuous running of a big web site. In a direct and indirect way websites with more than one author can benefit from SEO. Before announcing content on the site in search engine traffic their direct benefit is expanded and their indirect benefit is having a common framework (checklists) to use.
 SEO can put you advanced of the competition. The search engine optimized web site is more likely to have more customers and make more sales if two websites are selling the same thing.

Scope of SEO Training In Chandigarh:-

Online industry is growing everyday and all the companies are spending a huge sum in SEO  & SEO is playing a vital role in bringing the visitors to the website . It is one of the most proceeding areas and there are a good number of job probabilities in the field of SEO.
Either internally or externally depending on its budgets and expertise at hand every website is looking to procure SEO services for itself.
If you have great analytic skills, and you are dynamic then you  has very bright future for you in SEO.

SEO Training Institute In Chandigarh – Is It Worth Your Time and Money?

Choosing the finest SEO training  institute in Chandigarh can be a demanding task. Look at some of the assets offered by SEO training institute in Chandigarh.

  1. Best faculty
  2. No registration or examination fees
  3. First three lectures are free of charges
  4. Certification for Internet marketing
  5. Preparing students for interviews

The six modules for SEO training in Chandigarh include:
    • Introduction
    • Search Engine Basics
    • Research and Analysis
    • On-Page Optimization
    • Off-Page Optimization
    • Advanced SEO Techniques